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Weekly Top 5 GMAT MBA Articles

July 27, 2012

**1. GMAT Tip: Word Problems – Businessweek
** “You could argue that every GMAT word problem is unique. However, the trained test-taker knows that while there is infinite variability in the yarns GMAT test-makers spin, the fiber of GMAT word problems is actually quite limited.”

**2. MBA Admissions Consultants: How the best business schools view them – MBA Crystal Ball
** The attitudes towards MBA Admissions Consultants are changing, previously Consultants were viewed with skepticism, now they are considered as allies.

**3. Business Schools Fail to Track Whether Social Networking Yields Applicants, Survey Finds – Clear Admit
** Can social media improve your chances of being admitted to your bschool of choice? According to a survey, 65% of top business schools don’t even bother checking if someone from their social media accounts has applied to their school.

**4. GMAT Math: Rate Questions – Magoosh
** The GMAT Rate or Speed questions are not as hard as some would have you believe, if approached with a bit of common sense and lots of practice. Try your hand at some of these practice questions and use these well-known, simple formulas to answer them faster.

**5. Are You Taking Too Many Practice GMATs? – Manhattan GMAT
** What’s the similarity between learning a Mozart sonata and preparing for the GMAT? You need to focus on your weak areas first, champion them, and only then move on to practicing the whole piece. Taking too many practice GMATs can actually decrease your chance of success.
